24 Quotes about Coach as Motivation and Inspiration for a Coach and People who need a Coach

The best coaches never tell their athletes that they are wrong. They rather focus on creating awareness. - 24 Quotes about Coach as Motivation and Inspiration for a Coach and People who need a Coach

You need a coach. Yeah, everyone needs a coach to show you what you are capable of in life and help you to get it. Coach also like your friends, best friend, and father or mother, they will be always with you when you won or lose.

Below you will find inspirational, motivation, wise, and humorous quotes about coach and sayings about coach from famous people. You also can share these quotes on Instagram or WhatsApp as motivation and inspiration for many people.

24 Quotes about Coach as Motivation and Inspiration for a Coach and People who need a Coach

Coaches are aware of how to ignite passion and motivate people. They have an energy that is contagious and knows exactly how to get their team excited.

Brian Cagney

A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life.

John Wooden
A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life. - 24 Quotes about Coach as Motivation and Inspiration for a Coach and People who need a Coach

You must be personally reliable before you can coach your team to generate reliable results.

Lee Colan

A good coach will make his players see what they can be rather than what they are.

Ara Parasheghian

Successful coaches are visionaries. They have a picture of success set in their minds.

Gavin McGinnis

As their coach, your job is to set the bar high, inspire them to reach this bar, encourage them, and most of all, guide them in the best possible manner and in the most supportive environment.

John Popovich

The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer there are for a player to break.

John Madden

A coach should never be afraid to ask questions of anyone he could learn from.

Bobby Knight

Coaching is nothing more than eliminating mistakes before you get fired.

Lou Holtz

The interesting thing about coaching is that you have to trouble the comfortable, and comfort the troubled.

Ric Charlesworth

Selecting the right person for the right job is the largest part of coaching.

Phil Crosby

To be as good as it can be, a team has to buy into what you as the coach are doing. They have to feel you’re a part of them and they’re a part of you.

Bobby Knight
To be as good as it can be a team has to buy into what you as the coach are doing. They have to feel youre a part of them and theyre a part of you. - 24 Quotes about Coach as Motivation and Inspiration for a Coach and People who need a Coach

Coaches have to watch for what they don’t want to see and listen to what they don’t want to hear.

John Madden

All coaching is, is taking a player where he can’t take himself.

Bill McCartney

Good coaching may be defined as the development of character, personality and habits of players, plus the teaching of fundamentals and team play.

Claire Bee

The absolute bottom line in coaching is organization and preparing for practice.

Bill Walsh

Coaching is people management – getting people to do what you want them to do and like doing it.


The definition of courage is going from defeat to defeat with enthusiasm.

Winston Churchill

Get the Buy In, Coach the Mind, The Rest then Follows.

Robin Clarkson

Far more coaches fail to achieve success because they lack ability to develop team culture rather than because they lack good direction or knowledge of the game.


Don’t ever ask a player to do something he doesn’t have the ability to do. He’ll just question your ability as a coach, not his as an athlete.

Lou Holtz

Coaching is taking a player where they can’t take themselves.

Jose Mourinho
Coaching is taking a player where they cant take themselves. - 24 Quotes about Coach as Motivation and Inspiration for a Coach and People who need a Coach

Coaching is people management – getting people to do what you want them to do and like doing it.


The best coaches never tell their athletes that they are wrong. They rather focus on creating awareness.

Abhishek Ratna