14 Quotes About Wednesday as Happiness days

Happy Wednesday Love all trust a few do wrong to none. - 14 Quotes About Wednesday as Happiness days

Here you will find Wednesday quotes from famous people. These quotes will show the happiness of Wednesday. You also can share these quotes on Instagram and WhatsApp.

14 Wednesday Quotes

When a day that you happen to know is Wednesday starts off sounding like Sunday there is something seriously wrong somewhere. - 14 Quotes About Wednesday as Happiness days

When a day that you happen to know is Wednesday starts off sounding like Sunday, there is something seriously wrong somewhere.

John Wyndham

Wednesdays are like Mondays in the middle of the week!

Lee Fox Williams

If all our national holidays were observed on Wednesdays, we could wind up with nine-day weekends.

George Carlin

To some, it’s Hump Day. To us, it’s Wednesday’s getting its ass kicked and Thursday just asking Friday to switch places.

Dwayne Johnson

When people refer to ‘Back in the Day,’ it was a Wednesday. Just a little fun fact for you.

Dane Cook

Elephants love Wednesday, and so will you.

Anthony T. Hincks

A Wednesday with no rain is a dry hump day.

Demetri Martin

It will not be lonely on Wednesday when it has all around it.

Anthony T. Hincks

Wednesdays will always bring smiles for the second half of the week.

Anthony T. Hincks

There are more myths about Black Wednesday than the Greeks ever created.

John Major
He couldnt believe it was only Wednesday. And it was made worse when he realized it was actually Tuesday. - 14 Quotes About Wednesday as Happiness days

He couldn’t believe it was only Wednesday. And it was made worse when he realized it was actually Tuesday.

T.J. Klune

Let Wednesday put a rainbow into your life.

Anthony Hawes

They didn’t want it good, they wanted it Wednesday.

Robert A. Heinlein

Happy Wednesday! Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.

William Shakespeare