Trusting Love: 50 Quotes on Building Strong Relationships

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Love is a powerful force that can bring people together, but it is trust that keeps them strong. Trust is the foundation of any strong relationship, be it romantic, familial, or platonic. It is the glue that holds everything together, the assurance that you can rely on the other person and that they have your best interests at heart. Trusting love requires vulnerability, but it also brings with it great rewards, such as deep connection, intimacy, and a sense of security. Here are 50 quotes on building strong relationships through trusting love.

“Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.”

Stephen Covey

This quote by Stephen Covey emphasizes the importance of trust in building strong relationships. Trust is the foundation upon which effective communication is built, and it holds all relationships together. Without trust, relationships would crumble.

“The best proof of love is trust.”

Joyce Brothers

Joyce Brothers highlights the connection between love and trust in this quote. Trust is the ultimate expression of love because it shows that you believe in the other person and have confidence in their love for you.

“Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it’s broken, but you can still see the crack in that mother f*cker’s reflection.”

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga’s quote is a humorous take on the fragility of trust. Once broken, trust can be repaired, but the damage is still visible. It takes time and effort to rebuild trust, and sometimes, the scars remain.

“Trust is the highest form of human motivation. It brings out the very best in people.”

Stephen R. Covey

Covey once again emphasizes the power of trust in bringing out the best in people. When we trust someone, we feel valued and respected, and we are more likely to behave in ways that align with our values and beliefs.

“Trust is the fruit of a relationship in which you know you are loved.”

William Paul Young

According to William Paul Young, trust is a natural outcome of a loving relationship. When we feel loved and accepted for who we are, we are more likely to trust the other person because we know that they have our best interests at heart.

“Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work.”

Warren Bennis

Warren Bennis’s quote applies to all kinds of relationships, including those in the workplace. Trust is essential for organizations to function smoothly because it enables people to work together towards a common goal.

“Trust is the highest form of human relationship.”

Stephen R. Covey

In this quote, Covey once again emphasizes the importance of trust in human relationships. Trust is the foundation upon which all healthy relationships are built, whether they are romantic, familial, or platonic.

“Trust is the first step to love.”

Munshi Premchand

Munshi Premchand’s quote highlights the connection between trust and love. Trust is the first step towards building a loving relationship because it enables us to open ourselves up to the other person and let them in.

“Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of.”

Bob Vanourek

According to Bob Vanourek, trust is built when we are vulnerable with someone and they do not take advantage of us. When we feel safe enough to be vulnerable, we are more likely to trust the other person because we know that they respect and value us.

“Trust is the highest form of intimacy.”


This anonymous quote highlights the close connection between trust and intimacy. Trust is essential for intimacy because it enables us to let our guard down and be vulnerable with the other person.

“The glue that holds all relationships together is trust, and trust is based on integrity.”

Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy’s quote emphasizes the importance of integrity in building trust. When we act with integrity, we demonstrate that we are trustworthy and that we value the other person’s trust in us.

“Trust is the most important thing in a relationship. It’s the foundation. Without it, you have nothing.”

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama’s quote underscores the centrality of trust in any relationship. Without trust, there can be no foundation upon which to build a strong and healthy relationship.

“Trust is like a paper, once it’s crumpled, it can’t be perfect again.”


This quote highlights the fragility of trust. Once it’s broken, it can be difficult if not impossible to repair. It’s important to handle trust with care and to do everything possible to avoid damaging it.

“Trust is the highest form of human emotion.”


This quote by an unknown author underscores the emotional depth of trust. Trust is not just a rational decision, but an emotional one as well. When we trust someone, we are opening ourselves up to them in a profound way.

“Trust, but verify.”

Ronald Reagan

This well-known quote by Ronald Reagan is a reminder that while trust is important, it’s also important to be cautious and to verify what we are told. Trust should never be blind, but should be based on evidence and experience.

“Trust is the foundation of all human connections.”

Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin’s quote highlights the centrality of trust in all human relationships. Whether it’s a romantic connection, a friendship, or a business partnership, trust is essential for the connection to thrive.

“Trust starts with truth and ends with truth.”

Santosh Kalwar

Santosh Kalwar’s quote emphasizes the importance of honesty in building trust. Trust can only be established when both parties are truthful with each other, and it can only be maintained when that truthfulness continues.

“Trust is a fragile thing. Easy to break, easy to lose and one of the hardest things to ever get back.”


This quote highlights the fragility of trust and the difficulty of regaining it once it’s been lost. It’s important to handle trust with care and to work hard to maintain it once it’s been established.

“Trust is the highest form of human motivation.”

Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey once again emphasizes the motivational power of trust. When we feel trusted by someone, we are more likely to be motivated to do our best and to work towards shared goals.

“Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do.”

Benjamin Spock

Benjamin Spock’s quote is a reminder that self-trust is just as important as trust in others. When we trust ourselves, we are more likely to make good decisions and to act in ways that align with our values and beliefs.

“Trust is the highest form of human intelligence.”


This quote by an unknown author highlights the cognitive and emotional intelligence required to establish and maintain trust. Trust involves not only rational decision-making, but also emotional intelligence and empathy.

“Trust is the key to success in any relationship.”


This anonymous quote emphasizes the connection between trust and success in any kind of relationship. Without trust, it’s difficult if not impossible to build a strong, healthy, and successful connection.

“The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.”

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway’s quote is a reminder that the only way to establish trust is to take a leap of faith and trust the other person. While it involves risk, it’s often the only way to build a strong and healthy connection.

“Trust is the highest form of praise.”


This quote by an unknown author highlights the esteem in which trust is held. Trust is not just important, but it’s also a form of praise and recognition for the other person.

“Trust is the lifeblood of any relationship.”


This anonymous quote emphasizes the essential nature of trust in any relationship. Without trust, the connection is lifeless and cannot thrive.

“Trust is earned when actions meet words.”

Chris Butler

Chris Butler’s quote highlights the connection between words and actions in building trust. Trust can only be earned when our actions align with our words, and when we do what we say we will do.

“Trust is the bird that sees the light and sings while the dawn is still dark.”

Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore’s quote is a poetic expression of the hope and optimism that trust can bring. Even in the darkest of times, trust can inspire us to sing and to believe in a brighter future.

“Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Without it, there is no love and no respect.”


This quote by an unknown author is a reminder that trust is the foundation upon which love and respect are built. Without trust, there can be no healthy relationship.

“Trust is a two-way street, and it must be earned from both sides.”


This anonymous quote highlights the importance of mutual trust in any relationship. Trust must be earned by both parties, and it requires effort and commitment from both sides.

“Trust is the foundation of all relationships, including the one you have with yourself.”


This quote by an unknown author is a reminder that trust is not just important in our relationships with others, but also in our relationship with ourselves. When we trust ourselves, we are more likely to make good decisions and to act in ways that align with our values and beliefs.

“Trust is the currency of relationships.”


This anonymous quote highlights the value of trust in any relationship. Trust is like currency, in that it enables us to exchange value with the other person and to build a strong and healthy connection.

“Trust is the foundation of love, and love is the glue that holds relationships together.”


This quote by an unknown author highlights the connection between trust, love, and relationships. Trust is the foundation upon which love is built, and love is what holds the relationship together.

“Trust is the bedrock of any successful relationship, and without it, the partnership will likely crumble.”


This anonymous quote emphasizes the importance of trust in any successful relationship. Without it, the connection is unstable and likely to fall apart.

“Trust is the heart of any relationship, and without it, the connection cannot thrive.”


This quote by an unknown author is a reminder that trust is the heart of any relationship. Without it, the connection will wither and die.

“The foundation of any relationship is built on trust, and without it, the connection is doomed to fail.”


This anonymous quote emphasizes the essential nature of trust in any relationship. Without it, the connection is bound to fail.

“Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship, and without it, the connection is weak and unstable.”


This quote by an unknown author highlights the importance of trust as the cornerstone of any strong relationship. Without it, the connection is shaky and uncertain.

“Trust is the foundation of all meaningful relationships, and without it, the connection is shallow and superficial.”


This anonymous quote highlights the importance of trust in building meaningful relationships. Without it, the connection is shallow and lacking in depth.

“Trust is the bond that connects two people in a meaningful and lasting way.”


This quote by an unknown author is a reminder that trust is what connects two people in a meaningful and lasting way. Without it, the bond is weak and easily broken